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Another Boys and Girls Club Event!

June 22, 2016 by Marcus Gates NMLS# 1191961

Summertime is here and your Royal United Mortgage LLC Team has done it again. Employee volunteers donated time to one of our Indianapolis Boys and Girls Clubs and hosted a Summer Bash in June. This fun event helped drive awareness in the community about the great summer programming available for kids ages 5 – 18 in Indianapolis.

Royal United Mortgage LLC led the way by providing food and entertainment for the kids and their families at the Lilly Location at 801 S. State Ave, Indianapolis, IN 46203.

Check out what those on our team had to say about the event:

Jacob Montgomery

I, personally, loved it. I mean, it doesn’t really feel like community service when I am there. I get to play with kids and act like one. I ran the dunk tank with Tim Apple and it was a blast. I even got to throw the ball a couple times and dunk the taller gentleman that was up there. I love working with and playing with kids. We literally get to go, set things up, then hang out with everyone and keep the little ones entertained. I love volunteering… [I] get to go and help the boys and girls just HAVE FUN. Last time I did the haunted house, and that was a lot of fun as well. This time it was like a field day and it was also a lot of fun. Anytime we have an opportunity to go there and help them out, I will definitely be doing so.”

Rachel Hoke

“I had a great time!  I liked how involved everyone was and I felt like the kids had an amazing time.  There was definitely enough food, water, and games for the kids which was a plus. Thanks for allowing me to be involved, I look forward to participating in other Boys & Girls Clubs events!”

There will be many more event coming up that you too can be apart of. Please keep and eye out for communication to come!


Written by: Marcus Gates, Loan Advisor at Royal United Mortgage LLC

Published: 06/21/2016

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