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Donated Bicycle Racks Installed at Indianapolis Boys & Girls Club

October 07, 2016 by Royal United

Carmel Home Equity LoanMaybe you saw our article about the refresh the Royal United team did for the Lily Boys & Girls Club facility earlier this year. Check out this article in the Indy Star about that project!

The most recent addition to the club was brand new bicycle racks donated by our team!

Finch Park, an Indianapolis neighborhood park, is right outside this club location but unfortunately, prior to now, the kids who rode their bikes to the club did not have adequate bicycle parking. In the past when the club had a basic rack available it was common for it to be vandalized and even stolen along with the bikes that were chained to it!

Our team is thrilled to have been able to donate these new bicycle racks to the club. Now the kids can commute to the club via bicycle and lock up their ride securely, eliminating the risk of theft. There is enough parking for 12+ bikes and they are already starting to get some good use. The quality Dero hoop racks have a fun custom design, with thick pipe construction for high security, and a powder coat finish for longevity. Our team had fun picking out the best racks for this location and is excited to provide this functional installation that will prove useful for many years to come.

The bike racks were installed in late September and they look great!

A special ‘Thank You’ goes to Derek, Facilities Manager at the Indianapolis Boy & Girls Clubs who installed these and even used his welding tool to make them extra secure! Also, a big thank you to Mark Finney, Program Director for Riders IN the Know – an IndyCOG program, who helped to organize this project and get these racks ordered.

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Written By: Royal United Mortgage LLC Blog Team
Published: 10/07/2016

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