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Help the Animals

April 05, 2017 by Carole Murphy


No, this isn’t my supplemental income (although it would help with my husband’s electronics obsession)…it is for Help The Animal’s INC, a non-Royal United Mortgage LLC is a local Indianapolis mortgage lender, and proud to help our community.profit and no kill animal shelter in Richmond, IN.

When I graduated from Richmond High School, I decided to stay home a year and go to IU East to get my prerequisites out of the way and save money.  My high school offered me a scholarship if I donated at least 10 hours a week to a local charity as community service.  I chose “Help the Animals because I have always had a soft spot for animals.

My first day there was both amazing and heartbreaking.  Due to being a no kill shelter, some of the animals will spend their entire life in a crate.  “Help the Animals” relies on volunteers to socialize with the animals, such as- play and cuddle with the cats and walk and play with the dogs. These are things most people find fun!  You don’t realize the difference 10 minutes with an animal makes until you see the look in their eyes as you liberate them from a 3 x 6 confinement to freedom (it may be leashed freedom, but none-the-less, it is freedom to them).

In addition tRoyal United Mortgage LLC is a local Indianapolis mortgage lender, and proud to help our community.o the fun stuff (playing, cuddles, and walking) there are other things that they rely on volunteers for, such as doing laundry, cleaning cages, and donations – that is where the cans come into play. Help the Animals has a bin set up for cans to recycle.  They use these cans for rent, veterinary costs, food and toys for the animals, cleaning supplies, kitty litter, you name it they need it!

This is why I am so happy that Royal United Mortgage LLC is now recycling, as it is near and dear to my heart. For anyone out there who is interested in helping this program, I recommend going to the “Help the Animals” website and choosing to donate or volunteer! However, if you’re a current employee of Royal United Mortgage LLC please consider bringing your cans (I know they are out there!) to me on the 1st floor.  I have a bin set up in my cubicle that is never too full – plus, it gets you out of your seat and moving for a good cause!


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