Military Veterans on Staff? Good Business Decision!
One of the greatest fears veterans have when returning home is finding gainful employment. Not just employment, but employment that embraces the skill set they possess and the commitment they have made. Bringing veterans on board is one of the best decisions an employer can make.
In a lot of business environments employees are part of a team. Veterans are trained in three specific areas that make them great teammates: Leadership, Teamwork, and Inclusion. Veterans are experts in leading by example, working together toward a common goal, and always finding a way to work with individuals on their teams regardless of differences.
Are we still not convinced that veterans are great employees?
Let’s try this: Vets have a high level of integrity. They know what hard work means to them, as well as to the greater good of those around them. They have a high level of understanding organizational framework, which leads to high levels of accountability in their actions. Most of all they triumph over adversity. Vets do not look at a situation as insurmountable they look at it as an opportunity to put their skills to work!
So why Veterans? WHY NOT?
All Veterans are a personal referral of Chris Abrams, Vice President.