New Year Resolutions

January 03, 2018 by Royal United

Indianapolis Mortgage The New Year is here and as we begin 2018, many of us have made resolutions to change something about our lives in the New Year. Search the phrase “New Year resolution ideas” on Google without the quotation marks and you’ll find millions of lists of things you can resolve to do. These lists got us thinking, so we asked our employees what their New Year resolutions are. Here are what a few of them shared.

“I have a couple New Year Resolutions: Cut 25 lbs. (Work out 4 times a week and start eating healthier.). Promotion to a leadership position (AAVP, AVP, or LADU). Close 84 loans this year (average 7/month). Beat Suzanne in Fitbit Challenge at RUM!” – Jacob Montgomery 

“My New Year Resolution is to be healthier in every aspect of my life. In my career, I want to show healthier practices by being fully focused and prioritizing properly. In my relationships, I want to always be the best I can be and let each person know I care, as well as not allowing technology to affect my relationships. And then personally, I want to be more mentally and physically healthy. I want to be more active and I want to eat healthier as well as trying to communicate properly and ensure that I am always happy with the steps I am taking personally.” – Jordon Kane

“My NY resolution is to help register as many people to vote as I can.” – Courtney Nugent

“Worry less, be more thankful for opportunities, and play more.” – Greg Stacy

“I don’t have a resolution, but I do set goals for myself. This year my goal is to relax a little more. I want to do quarterly vacations so I’m taking the time to keep my work/life balance as harmonious as possible, refresh myself, and I’ll have fun adventures planned to spend the most time I can with my husband and daughter. That’s my most important priority.” – Amy Allee

“A bucket list item I have for 2018 is to visit all the state parks in Indiana. I have a map which I’m trying to mark off. I also have a walking stick so once I hike a trail at each place and I wood burn the name of the park on the stick. There are 28 total (25 maintained by the DNR) and I am about six in so far. Stoked to get the rest of them in 2018!” – Vanessa Carman

“My New Year resolution is to get back to going to the gym 4-5 times a week instead of 1-2.” – Dayvon Ordean

“My resolution is to play golf at 10 new courses during 2018.” – Derrick Thomas

“Naturally, mine is running related. I hope to complete my first hundred mile endurance race, as well as complete several other ultra-marathons on my calendar. Professionally, I want to kick butt as a recruiter and bring on as many good loan advisors as possible!” – Jamie Cogan

“Business-related: to earn top salary (or close to it) in first quarter when I flip mid-January and stay there.

Personal: to NOT GAIN any more weight (far more achievable than to lose weight).” – Justin Wells

“Learn something new every single day.  Knowledge is power!” – Christa Booth

“Re-establish healthy eating regimen and increase daily physical activity! Spend more time with the family outdoors.” – Logan Mastain

There’s just something about the date Jan. 1 that makes us want to make a change for the better. The turning of the year combined with the fact that the holidays brought overindulgence, overeating, and overspending means that, for many of us, making some positive New Year resolutions seems like the right prescription. Whether your resolutions center on health, money, or otherwise, they are all likely worthy pursuits. What is your New Year resolution?

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