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Royal United Mortgage LLC: Committed to Helping Veterans

November 11, 2016 by Alison Levar NMLS# 993316

We have all worked with families that left an impression on us. They remind us why our job is fun and that we have the ability to make a difference in someone’s life.  I have had the pleasure of working with one family in particular that left and impression on me, which I hope every employee feels at one point or another.

I worked with a father and son who were both Marines. The son had difficulty obtaining a home loan due to his service related disabilities and lack of job opportunities in his area that he was physically able to do. I worked very closely with the two of them to find a loan program that would help purchase the home he and his family had been renting and was being sold out from under them.

His father was able to help him, and as a result the purchase was completed in record time. Shortly after their loan was complete, I received a package in the mail and a letter that read:

Alison, This flag was flown over Bagdad by our son, who earned 3 purple hearts during 4 tours in Iraq and 1 tour in Afghanistan. Please display it proudly knowing that you helped a hero obtain a home for him and his family. God bless you, always, Sarge (his father).


Needless to say, this gave me the chills and an incredible senses of pride in the service our company provided this family.  Additionally, it made me wonder if we could do more for our veterans.

Last year, I had the pleasure of joining our outreach team within our company. As part of our mission statement, Royal United Mortgage LLC NMLS# 13390 strives to enrich to lives of the communities we serve.

One of the most deserving, yet underserved, factions in our communities is our Veterans.  Our outreach team decided it was time we made an effort to serve and support those that serve and support us every day. This year we had the pleasure of putting some wheels in motions!!

As part of this effort we designed and sold t-shirts to raise money for Honor Flight Chicago.  As the planning stage continued, a colleague brought to our attention a company called Rags of Honor.  The company has 2 facets,

  • Hire homeless veterans to screen print items and pay a livable wage
  • Use the profits from the organization to assist veterans in a variety of ways

For example, they may help pay for a P.O. box so someone can start applying for jobs outside the organization, they may help a veteran buy clothes for an interview or may even assist in helping out with a security deposit so the veteran can obtain an apartment of their own. The mission of this organization warms me to my very core!

Every day we have the ability in our jobs to make a veteran’s life a little easier, a little bit more comfortable and lot less stressful. Our Veterans Day shirts were designed to represent all 5 branches of our armed forces and honor the service and sacrifice of the veterans we employ, the veterans we provide our services to and the veterans we have yet to work with.

This fundraiser will allow us to help the mission of Rags of Honor and help homeless veterans get on their feet. I can’t thank our team members enough for their overwhelming support and enthusiasm behind this project.

This Veterans Day, please take a moment to thank the men and women who have served our country.

Royal United Mortgage LLC is proud of all our employees who have served.

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Written By: Alison Levar, Loan Advisor Development Manager NMLS# 993316, Royal United Mortgage LLC
Published: 11/11/2016

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