Royal United Volunteers Refresh Local Boys & Girls Club Facility
Our team is thrilled to have been able to impact a local Boys & Girls Club by providing some much needed upgrades to their facility. Royal United employee volunteers helped refresh the club before school started. In addition to painting the bathrooms and benches throughout the building and updating the Wi-Fi network, the company used charity funds to donate new computers, tablets, chalkboards and a white board for the kids.
Check out this article in the Indy Star newspaper about our project!
A special THANK YOU goes out to Wayne Holland of System4 Facility Service Management who donated supplies and cleaning services to deep scrub the bathrooms before we painted.
Also, a special thank you to Mark Finney of IndyCog who is helping to get bicycle racks ordered for the Boys & Girls Club – These will be installed next month. There is a city park right out front of this facility but they have never had bicycle parking for the kids who ride there.
The team did a great job and the club is thankful for our hard work and donations. This partnership has been extremely rewarding for our company and the individual volunteers who have made such a big impact. Supporting children at the club through this project is exemplary of our commitment to enriching lives in the communities we serve. Thank you everyone!
Take a look at these before and after photos of our work. What a difference!




Written by: The Royal United Mortgage LLC Blog Team
Published: 08/16/2016