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Royal United Mortgage LLC Runs Into Wellness by Partnering With Blue Mile

June 20, 2016 by Julie Wright

Everyone thinks running or walking is just about throwing on a pair of shoes and getting out the door, right? While we would like it to be that simple, Royal United Mortgage LLC employees were treated to a wellness event sponsored by Blue Mile (soon to be Jack Rabbit) that focused on all you need to know to either get race ready or head out for a leisurely stroll.

Demonstrating a variety of shoes, clothing, and a talk about proper nutrition, Royal United Mortgage LLC employees left feeling more confident about our upcoming wellness challenge, RUN317.

Thanks to Blue Mile for coming out and giving us the jump start that we need.BlueMile_Chalk



Written by:  Julie Wright, Director of Human Resources at Royal United Mortgage LLC
Published: 06/20/2016



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