Scary Stories and Mortgages

January 13, 2014 by Royal United

I got drafted by my 11-year old grandson to act as chaperone on a camping trip last summer for his baseball team. The little scam artist got me with the old, “Papaw, I can’t go unless you do! Pleassse.” Turns out that’s how all of the prepubescent delinquents conned all of us grey beards…they guilt-tripped us. My daughter thought it was hilarious.

Of course she didn’t find it so amusing after we spent the weekend telling the scariest campfire stories we could think of to those s’more-addicted flimflammers. None of them could sleep for two weeks afterwards – bogeymen are always lurking – and it’s doubtful that camping will be in their plans for a long while.

So what does this have to do with mortgages?

You don’t have to go far to find a scary mortgage story; many people have them. Unfortunately, most of the time these tales are true and we often hear from customers who have encountered, or heard stories of, a real lending bogeyman before they contacted us. Take Mario from Texas for example:

My daughter purchased a house recently and she told me of the horrors she went thru to get her house financed, of course, I expected the same, especially when I was trying to refinance on line.

Mario was obviously hesitant about contacting another company for a loan and many customers will put off dealing with a mortgage company for years after a bad experience or hearing someone else’s scary story. But here is a tip for you: If you have previously dealt with a real lending ogre when you tried to improve your financial situation – or you know of someone who has – then contact a different lender.

Don’t cower underneath the blankets because you are a tad spooked. Do what Mario did…call us:

[Loan Advisor]…I dealt with throughout the painless process, [He] was very professional, dedicated and displayed an outstanding knowledge of the intricacy of refinancing, was attentive [and] cordial every time. Highly recommend this company for his dedicated efforts and smooth operation, Thank you…

If you are a thrill seeker who likes the old adrenaline rush in everything you do…you probably want to call the other guy. But if you prefer your financial transactions to be hassle-free, calm, professional, friendly and sans scary tale…we’re the company for you.

Have a great day.

Royal United Mortgage LLC offers a full array of lending solutions.  Home Mortgages, Refinances, Home Equity Loans or Reverse Mortgages (HECM), are all part of our financial solutions and we look forward to working with you to find the best one that will meet your short-term needs and achieve your long-term goals. To see how simple it can be, check out our video.

Dan from the Royal United Mortgage LLC team.

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