4 Ways to Use Social Media in Your Job Search

July 10, 2018 by Dariah Rice

Social media has been an influential part of many people’s lives, and it can be in your job search as well. This is why it is important to maintain an appropriate profile in case a future employer decides to look at your page.

Here are some helpful ways to use social media to get the upper hand on your job search.

  1. Build a strong personal brand

There are several platforms of social media that can be used to your advantage such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn to enhance your personal brand. For example, on Facebook, you could like and share posts that are relevant and pertain to the industry you are in. Instead of entertaining posts that would be seen as inappropriate and would deter a future employer-based off first impressions.

  1. Get an inside look

Most companies have at least one form of social media or website that you can do your own personal sleuthing around on. These pages can include pictures and posts that display what the company is all about and if you would be a good fit with their cultures and values. Doing this research could also give you talking points during an interview.

  1. Networking

You have made connections with people all of your life, now it is time to connect with those who can get you a potential job. LinkedIn and forms of social media have been very beneficial for networking. LinkedIn has several million members so make sure to spend the time to impress those you are interested in.

  1. Showcase your skills

Once your social media pages are up and professional, you can then show off your skills and accomplishments. Recruiters and hiring managers will be impressed by your experiences and will want to talk with you.

Many people believe social media has consumed our lives and that we are on it too often, but when used to advance our job search it can be a very beneficial tool.


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