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The Fight For Air

March 21, 2017 by Royal United

Royal United Mortgage LLC employee takes place in the fight for air climb, benefiting lung disease research.The city of Indianapolis, with the help of the American Lung Association, hosted the “Fight For Air” Climb event. It’s an event held in most major cities, which asks participants to run, race, or jog up hundreds of stairs in iconic skyscrapers-to raise money to help fight lung disease, cancer, asthma, and a host of other disorders.

‘The Breath of Life’ is something most of us take for granted.  Inhaling and exhaling happen naturally without our conscious effort, whether we are awake or asleep.  But for millions of people affected by lung disease, this natural process of the autonomic nervous system is disrupted, with every breath becoming a challenge.

An employee of Royal United Mortgage LLC, Suzanne Daoust says that she “like many of you, have been profoundly affected by a family member’s struggle with lung disease.”  So, when her son asked her to join him in the “Fight For Air” Climb at Chase Tower, she was “proud and happy to participate. “

More than 800 people made the trek up 48 flights, 1056 steps – a great effort for a wonderful cause. There were people from all walks of life, even firefighters made the climb in their full gear. Each team, had a sponsorship, and each member knew their funds were going towards an amazing cause. Suzanne wishes to offer her thanks “to all who supported my participation in this event.” This is just one of the many ways that Royal United Mortgage LLC supports its colleagues in  their efforts towards great community causes.

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