Why We Love Refinancing (And So Should You)

September 16, 2015 by Robert Kent

refinancingIt has been said that the best debt is no debt, and that is absolutely true. It is also true that it is better to have all the money you’ll ever need available to you, and if you have the opportunity to be Batman, by all means, be Batman. If you find yourself in the enviable position of having no debt and all the money you need (and/or owning your own Batmobile), congratulations. The content of this article may not apply to you.

However, according to a study published in February of this year, 37 percent of Americans (that’s one in three!) have credit card debt greater than or equal to their emergency savings, leaving them one unexpected expense away from potential financial ruin. Since 2007, more children have experienced their parents’ bankruptcy than their parents’ divorce, and only 30% of homeowners have no mortgage debt.

Refinancing your home is not always the right move for everyone and expert Loan Advisors are the first people to say when it’s not right for you, but it’s ALWAYS worth having a conversation to find out. For a lot of people, refinancing is the powerful tool needed to transform their financial situation and change the course of their life.

There are as many different reasons to refinance a home as there are people seeking a refinance:

Maybe you have some major expenses coming up and are looking for a sound financial plan to afford them.

Maybe your home needs some work or there are improvements you’d like to make.

Maybe you have no debt other than your mortgage, but we can lower your monthly payment and free up cash to increase your savings or whatever you like—the great thing about saving every month is you have 12 opportunities a year to decide what you’d like to do with the extra money.

Maybe we can not only save you money monthly, but help you pay off your home and get you out of debt faster.

If you’re one out of three Americans that is struggling with debt, you can’t afford not to look at all of your options. Whatever the reasons that got you into debt, it’s not going to go away without taking action. As with any other problem in life, the thing to do is to evaluate your situation and explore your options to improve it. Restructuring your monthly payments can be the difference between living comfortably and just getting by or worse.

And that’s why expert Loan Advisors love refinancing. It gives us the opportunity to be financial superheroes.

Over the years I’ve been able to help a lot of people save a lot of money and I’ve changed a lot of lives for the better. Helping clients take the reins of their finances and guiding them to a better future, in a sense, gives me the chance to be Batman.

Written by: Robert Kent

Published: 9/16/2015

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